Forthcoming steam weekends (2024): 08 September 2024; 12-13 October 2024
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


24.10.2023: October in review

We were shocked to see that our last newsletter is already several weeks old. We would like to change that and give you, dear friends of the Historisches Lokschuppen Wittenberge, a short overview of our activities in October 2023. The month was packed full of activities. But let's start at the beginning.
We are continuously working on the maintenance of our track facilities. After all, what good is the most beautiful museum if you can't safely move the vehicles in it. This time, work was carried out on the so-called Magdeburg side of the station. A contractor replaced many wooden sleepers with concrete ones. In addition, remains of points were removed that were no longer needed.

In addition to museum operations, the locomotive shed was also open for a number of festivities. There were two receptions in the locomotive shed, for which appropriate seating and decorations were set up. Especially in the warmer season, our locomotive shed offers a great ambience for such occasions.

The highlight in October was our "Autumn Steam 2023" event. We had the pleasure of welcoming some guests who made their vehicles available for the exhibition. We would especially like to thank the Pressnitztalbahn company, who visited with their steam locomotive 86 1333, and the Lok-OST company, who made their diesel locomotive 232 903 available. We would also like to thank the Blaulichtmuseum Beuster, the transport police from Pritzwalk and several private collectors for the exhibition of their trucks, automobiles and two-wheelers. We also thank the Kulturlokschuppen Neumünster and the Verein Hafenbahn Neustrelitz, who visited us with their special trains. We were very pleased with your visit and think that the visitors enjoyed your vehicles as well.
Speaking of visitors: We were surprised, if not overwhelmed, by the high number of visitors. In total, we welcomed almost 2,200 visitors. And that despite the fact that Saturday afternoon was pretty rainy. So it was a great success for us and we believe we offered a lot to our visitors. The many friendly feedbacks were an incentive for us to continue like this next year.

Unfortunately, the active participants themselves hardly had time to take photos during the event. Everyone was constantly busy with some task or other. But there were some snapshots that we don't want to withhold from you.
Exhausted fireman at the end of the shift:

Lunch has to be kept warm:

A bit of fun is a must:

Shunting with diesel loco 320 001

And when a little peace returned, our steel main actors rested in the locomotive shed:

After a week's rest, the work continued last weekend. One by one, our steam locomotives are being winterised. This means in particular that the water must be drained from the boilers, storage tanks and pipes to avoid frost damage in winter. The boilers also have to be cleaned inside and out. Last weekend, locomotive "Emma" was on treatment.

And because our buildings also need to be further extended and maintained, a group of activists has been busy installing new ceilings in a building on the so-called coal yard. Here, among other things, a part of the exhibition of bells is to be built up over the winter. We will report on this exciting story.

vehicles: Emma, V 320 001-1

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Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge